Reports until 17:22, Wednesday 21 December 2011
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Wednesday 21 December 2011 (1949)
BSC8 HEPI Responds to IAS Direction
EricA, GregG, RichM, CoreyG

Yesterday while IAS was dialing in their instruments, we did a minor level tweak looking at the ISI Optical Table with the HEPI Springs.  We (Jim & I)had seem .530mrad on 12 Dec and today we lowered that as best we could.  I'll say it is perfect but it looked a bit saddled about on the scale of the manufacturing tolerances.  My observances are flat +-.004" or +-.1mm.  We might be looking over 1.5m of the table for a level to about 1.4mrad.  This sounds out of spec but I don't think it can be improved given what I see of the table shape.

Late yesterday IAS gave us a position of 1.6mm -X and 2.4mm +Y of nominal.  We moved this with the HEPI Springs in four steps totaling about 1-3/4 turns on the 3/4-20 Spring threads.  We made direct translations first North (+X), then East (-Y), East again, and finally North.  This put us well within spec.
We then did a small tweak up to the Optical Table Level again dropping the NW corner and raising the SE <0.2mm each.
With the table as level as we can get, SUS freed the optic and we got it quiet enough for a YAW shot after Travis pulled down the top edge of the First Contact.  IAS saw a rotation of 1.29mrad CW.  We broke for lunch.
After lunch with new found courage and Eric's calibrated wrench arm, we made a CCW rotation in three steps turning the 3/4-20 thread 1-1/12 turns.  IAS has done another final round and I'll let them post those results but I believe we are still good in our elevation, translational position as well as the yaw position.

Thanks Crew!