(Chris K., Corey, Randy, Zach)
With every thing staged and ready to go a couple of days go for HAM3 SEI Stack extraction, the Apollo crew and I made quick work of extraction this morning. Our goal was to remove iLIGO SEI hardware (above Support Table), and keep the Optics Table and Masses clean. We did this work in roughly 2hrs (8-10am). Both doors were off of this chamber and everything was pulled out the West Siiide. Nothing new here.
The Optics Table is currently in the South Bay next to the HAM1 Table near the H1 Racks. The Leg Element (masses) are on a pair of pallets nearby. Other hardware is dirty and in a tub on top of the Optics Table.
I believe the Apollo crew will install the doors this afternoon.
All photos of work at the HAM3 De-install Colection at: https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=897
Since there was access to HAM2 & I had a tool, I went into HAM2 to disconnect all cabling from feedthrus.
Additionally, since I was in-chamber, I went ahead and did some work in BSC2. Here's what I did:
The POX & POY mirrors are currently in a nearby mini-cleanroom on a "clean" table and have a layer of foil on them. Not sure whether or not we need to keep these guys clean (sent out emails asking).
The counterweights, screws and Pick Off mirror dog clamps are all outside HAM3 on the ground.
Oh, I accidentally left a 3/16" allen wrench in BSC2 on one of the Beam Dumps (aka "cornucopias"). I didn't go back in to get it since we won't be pumping down this volume any time soon.
So, the only items on the BSC2 Optics Table are the BS Suspension & the cables/bracket on the table. See attached photo of the Table.
Photos of BSC2 (and also some from BSC8) are at: https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=898