Reports until 17:18, Friday 10 July 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Friday 10 July 2015 - last comment - 17:16, Monday 13 July 2015(19559)
EY ESD strength change

Stefan, Sheila, Nic, Evan

We remeasured the relative strength of the EX and EY ESDs in full lock. EX was driven with the high-range driver (40 V/V dc), and EY was driven with the low-noise driver (2 V/V dc). All other things being equal, we expect a relative strength of 20 V/V between the two actuation chains.

We found that the relative strength is instead 30 V/V (see attachment, which includes a digital gain of 30 ct/ct in the EY path). When we first did this measurement (back in May, pre-discharging), the relative strength was more like 50 V/V. So we are closer to the nominal value.

We successfully transitioned control of DARM from EX to EY with this new digital gain. We also took a quick DARM OLTF, both before an after the transition. The attachment shows an old, pre-vent OLTF (blue), today's OLTF with EX (green), and today's OLTF with EY (red).

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report - 17:16, Monday 13 July 2015 (19604)ISC
A relatively small point, but the LV ESD Driver DC gain is actually closer to 1.9 V/V at low frequencies.  There's a pole just above 150Hz.