Reports until 15:19, Tuesday 27 December 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Tuesday 27 December 2011 (1957)
Y-end pumping misc.
Kyle, John -> Verified BSC10 annulus volume was vented by opening to atmosphere -> No change in Y-end indicated pressure (as expected since volume had yet to be pumped by aux. cart) -> Stopped pumping BSC6 annulus volume with aux. cart and vented to atmosphere -> Y-end pressure responded by increasing from 7.7 x 10-7 torr to 8.1 x 10-7 torr -> Torqued BSC6 South, West and East door bolts as well as spool bolts -> Y-end pressure responded by returning back to initial value of 7.7 x 10-7 torr.  Resumed pumping BSC6 volume with aux. cart.

Kyle -> Sprayed helium around new feed throughs and conflats on BSC6 and new GNB spool -> signal fell linearly from a starting value of 5.0 x 10-9 torr*L/sec to 1.9 x 10-9 torr*L/sec during period of helium application (this does not mean that these joints "pass" a leak test).