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Reports until 16:01, Tuesday 03 January 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1963)
HAMISI Assy#1 & Assy#3 Work

(Corey, Eric, Greg, Hugo, Jim)


With Assy#3 completing its full suite of Testing, we began prepping this Assy for removal.  First off was removing the Test GS-13s (the locations and serial numbers for these sensors are below).

There were some issues with cables on this assembly in that some of them had single band clamps near the plugs.  Double bands are required for better strain relief and to prevent the cables from coming apart.


Actuator Re-alignment & Install

Before disassembling this ISI, Set-Up Bars were installed on the Actuators to maintain their alignment.  Unfortunately, some of the Set-Up Bars weren't torqued down, so we lost their alignment (it was visibly noticeable after we installed them on the re-assemebled Assy#1).  We have since pulled them off and are re-aligning them with the Actuator Alignment Fixture for re-install.

We have maintained location consistency, and the serial #'s/locations of these Actuators are consistent with what was posted in this older elog.

GS-13 Install

The GS13s from Assy#3 were removed, and then put directly on to Assy#1.  We maintained the same locations for both assemblies.  So here is location and S/N info for these Test GS-13s on Assy#1:

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