Reports until 15:10, Tuesday 03 January 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 03 January 2012 (1964)
2012 roll over bug resolved

At midnight (UTC) Dec 31 all H2 front end computers went into a DAQ error state. Their GPS times reset back to Jan 01 2011. This was tracked down to a IOP software error in reading out the IRIG-B card, which was fixed today by a change to tag 2.3.1 RCG. All the H2 IOP systems were recompiled and all front end were power cycled at  approx 13:30. All models were burt restored to 13:00 today.

So all fast front end framed data has been zeroed by the DAQ from 4pm Sat 31st local time to approx 13:30 local time today. Slow channels in the frame were unaffected by this problem.