Reports until 09:31, Wednesday 06 October 2010
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:31, Wednesday 06 October 2010 - last comment - 18:26, Wednesday 06 October 2010(197)
Change ntp configuration files, sync time on seismic and suspension test stands
After a report form Vincent that the time had drifted enough to make awgstream unusable, I modified the configuration files on seiteststand and workstation for ntp.  

On seiteststand:
1. stop ntpd
2. modify settings in configuration file
3. sync time with ntp server
4. start ntpd

On workstation:
1. stop ntpd
2. Modify settings in configuration file to use seiteststand as time server
3. sync time with seiteststand
4. start ntpd

Checked bscteststand, suswork1, found the time had drifted on these as well.  Modified the configuration files on bscteststand and syswork1 similar to seiteststand, workstation.

Checked times, they are sync'ed again.  Will monitor this, seiteststand was stubborn about being able to connect to the ntp server although bscteststand had no problem.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 18:26, Wednesday 06 October 2010 (198)
After monitoring the clock performance on the workstation connected to seiteststand all day, I decided to set up a crontab (as root) to run 'ntpdate -b' with the output going to /var/log/ntpdate-cron.txt to see if this will keep better time.  Will revisit in the morning.