Reports until 17:43, Tuesday 21 July 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Tuesday 21 July 2015 (19808)
history of EY glitching and ISI trips

From the time the end station sus machines were upgraded to the faster model, we have been seeing gliches on the SUS IOP model, which translates to IPC error over to SEI and ISC front ends. Sometimes these trip the ISI watchdogs. This has happened 11 times in the past week. Attached is a two week minute trend which shows the following:

top right plot, TIMING or ADC error rate on h1iopsusey whch starts when the new computer was started 9am Tues 14th July PDT

bottom left plot, receive errors on the ISI ETMY model, these latch on until DIAG_RESET

top left plot: ISI ETMY trip flag, this initiates the watchdog trip

bottom right plot: ISI ETMY watchdog trips, latched until user untrips. 4 = full trip, happens each time trip flag is set to one.

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