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Reports until 14:41, Wednesday 22 July 2015
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:41, Wednesday 22 July 2015 (19842)
BSC-ISI top level models changed to reduce number of trips from IPC errors

The  BSC's and HAM's have been handling payload watchdog trips differently for a while. The HAM's watch the SUS watchdog and do a running 10 second sum on IPC errors, so if the SUS model goes down for 10 seconds, the ISI will shut off. The BSC's have not been as smart. They watched the SUS watchdogs, but when they received a single IPC error, they would just trip. This is because the logic was incorrectly converting from an error rate. This wasn't an issue until recently because IPC errors were rare, but for now, the end station SUS computers are producing occasional IPC errors. Today, JeffK walked Hugh and I through importing the appropriate SEI library part to fix this. All BSC's have been modified at the top level, and all models compiled, we will wait until tomorrow to restart. We also cleaned up some redundant stuff on the top level. To wrap up, Hugh commit the changes to the SVN. Attached screens show the changes. Unfortunately, I didn't get a before shot,  but the changes are a lot cleaner. We should get many fewer end station trips after the models are restarted.

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