Reports until 21:53, Wednesday 22 July 2015
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Wednesday 22 July 2015 (19852)
cavity pole tracker is set

In light of the recent ASC improvement, we are now curious about how stable the DARM coupled cavity pole is as a function of time.

In order to monitor it in a casual way, I set up a lockin demodulator like I did before (alog 18436), but this time with a Pcal line.


I set up a realtime demodulator in the LSC front end for a new Pcal line that Evan added last night (alog 19823). It uses demodulator 1 of osc 3 and a Pcal line at 325.1 Hz. The demodulation phase was adjusted such that the estimated cavity pole becomes roughly 350 Hz although I did not measure the actual DARM cavity pole via an open loop measurement. This will introduce some bias in the estimated cavity pole, but I think this is fine for now because we are interested in the stability rather than the absolute value. I then edited the ISC_LOCK guardian so that it does not send the OSC 3 excitation to the ETM suspensions any more. The attached is a screen shot of the demodulator setting.

Looking at the spectrum of the demodulated real and imaginary parts, I see that the fluctuation are coming from flat sensing noise (i.e. shot noise). Because of that, a longer integration time would improve the precision of the measurement. I empirically set the integration time (or the cut off frequency of the low pass filters) to 0.03 Hz or 33 sec in order to get a few percent precision. We might try a higher excitation amplitude at some point because I would like to know if there is a fast-varying component at around 1 Hz where some suspension fluctuation may matter. Also, I briefly looked at other Pcal lines of 331.9, 534 and 540 Hz in the frequency domain with a resolution of 0.003 Hz and saw no side-lobes around them, indicating that their performances are also limited by shot noise.

Images attached to this report