Reports until 14:31, Thursday 07 October 2010
H2 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Thursday 07 October 2010 (199)
Q2 EE work
Syptoms before plugging in any OSEMs - medm actuation verified to be disabled.
OSEM signals strange in 3 of 12 signals (-4k, -31k, -19k, when should be zero).
Fault lights on 3 of 5 sat boxes.

2 of 2 yellow cables tested out ok.  Even unplugged, signals strange.

Powered bscteststand down from work station.  No go.
Powered it down at computer (button)
Powered down Expansion chassis.
Powered on chassis
Powered on bscteststand

Ran startup script

Richard poked around

Powered everything down again
Reseated ADC

More troubleshooting at the rack by Richard/Filberto...
Pulling 2 satellite boxes to take to the EE shop.