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Reports until 13:48, Monday 09 January 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:48, Monday 09 January 2012 (1992)
H2 SUS FMY M1 COIL output gains modified
After Friday's FMY damping loop sign changes, further investigation indicated the *M1_COILOUTF_*" actuation gains were flipped for each OSEM Coil. This was most likely caused by an outdated burt restore file used after the front-end reboots performed the previous day. This resulted in the damping loop gains needing a positive sign for signal damping.  The signs on the *M1_COILOUTF_*" gains are now flipped from Friday's values.  The FMY M1 damping loops now have all negative gains and have been closed successfully.

01/06/2012 before changes          01/09/2012 after changes
F1 = 1                                           F1 = -1
F2 = 1                                           F2 = -1
F3 = -1                                          F3 = 1
LF = 1                                           LF = -1
RT = -1                                          RT = 1
SD = -1                                          SD = 1

A new burt snapshot file was taken for this state to prevent this issue, located here:
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.