Reports until 21:06, Saturday 25 July 2015
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:06, Saturday 25 July 2015 - last comment - 16:39, Sunday 26 July 2015(19930)
HWS ITMY code running

Came in to find the interferometer has been locked for 5 hours and the ITMY HWS camera, frame grabber, and SLED beam has been on. Since they don't seem to bother anyone I decided to leave them on and run the ITMY HWS code. The number on ITMY HWS medm screen are constantly changing but in the terminal I kept getting "LHD File Not Written". The .mat files are not being updated constantly so I'm not sure how to tell if the code is actually working. The files are in /home/controls/temp/HWSY_July25


ETM HWS cameras were also on. I just turned them off.

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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 16:39, Sunday 26 July 2015 (19951)

Jeff pointed out that I should leave an instruction on how to kill the code since I left it running on the Ops computer. About 30 minutes after lock loss go to the terminal that has the TCS code running (the only terminal that refreshes itself every second or so), simply kill it by Ctrl+C. Do it repeatedly until the code is killed. I'd wait 30 minutes to allow the spherical power to decrese all the way to the bottom. This way I know the code was actually working and the data make sense.