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Reports until 09:06, Tuesday 10 January 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:06, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (1996)
Vibration Absorbers Status On BSC8

(Corey, Eric, Jim, Mitch, Vincent)

The first part of the day was devoted to getting some "before" measurements on the BSC8ISI; that is, before the Vibration Aborbers were installed.  Unfortunately, it sounded like clean measurements couldn't be made for both Stages (Sensors were saturating on the system [most likely due to nearby loud hammering/drilling]).  Because of this, we were only able to do work on Stage1. 

The Stage1 Vibration Absorbers are to be installed on the Outer Walls/Doors of the Trillium & Horiz L4C area.  It was quickly discovered that we could not install the Vibration Absorbers.  This is because there are a pair of dowel pins (for masses) which are exactly within the bolt pattern for the Vibration Absorber (!). 

So, we decided we'd hammer out the pairs of 1/2" dowel pins on the three doors (that's a total of 6 which needed to be pressed out).  And we obviously didn't have the equipment to do this, so we MacGyvered tools with what we had (a big mass for a hammer and an allen wrench as a punch).  To hammer these pins out, we had to completely remove all three doors which entails removal of lots of bolts, removal of mass from doors, powering down the equipment at the SEI rack, disconnecting cables from the Trillium and L4C, and then carefully taking out these doors to a work table for pin removal. 

The doors were eventually re-installed (not torqued), the ISI was covered, and left in that state overnight. 

This morning the crew is already set for starting the work we intended to start last night.

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