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Reports until 17:19, Tuesday 28 July 2015
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Tuesday 28 July 2015 (20007)
New GPS EPICS readouts for end station CNS II Clocks

Serial cables and new software infrastructure was installed to read the status information of the GPS clocks in the end stations. The CNS II clocks are using the Motorola binary format at 9600 baud. We read the @@Ha message once a second. The GPS receiver is reported as a Synergy SSR-M8T. This seems to be an u-blox LEA-M8T in an M12+ form factor and Motorola protocol emulation. Medm screens are available from the auto-generated list.

The duplicated PSL_ERROR channels were also eliminated.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.