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Reports until 08:46, Wednesday 11 January 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:46, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2001)
HAM ISI#1 Work From Tues

(Corey, Hugo, Jim)

Reinstalled H3 GS13

Previous one had issues and was removed.  This current one (S/N 66 of the pod), was a spare we happened to have available (it, like all of our GS-13's must not go into a vacuum system, since they are not acceptable for in-vacuum use).  After this one was installed, the door was re-attached.  On the GS13, I did not install the bracket which bolts to the base flange and "clamps" the cable in place (couldn't find its screw).

Rough Balancing Of The System

With the system locked, I noted Dial Indicator(DI) values:
Corner A
H:  +0.001
V:  +0.001
Corner B
H:  removed
V:  0.000
Corner C
H:  +0.001
V: +0.001
Corner D
H:  -0.001
V:  0.000

Since we looked good in this locked state and were getting ready to balance, I zeroed all the Dial Indicators, and installed the Corner B Horiz Dial Indicator.  The system was then unlocked, and then I rebalanced the system to within 0.001" on all DIs.

Wired Up And Set Gaps for CPS

The Capacitive Position Sensors (CPSs) were then cabled up, and powered on.  The gaps were then set for all the CPS (generally able to get close to 0.000V, with our requirement to have them below 0.200V).

Dressing Cabling

The cabling for Sensors/Actuators were plugged in and dressed for performance.

Stage0 Level

With the optical level, Stage0 level was checked, and ultimately deemed acceptable.

Fine Balancing Of System

With running and gapped CPSs, the DIs were backed off, and the CPSs were used to finely balance the system.  Before a fine balance, the CPS Access Doors were installed.  The system was then balanced such that Vertical CPSs had values under 0.200V.

Document Checklist

While we were working on general items for the ISI, Hugo worked on checks for his Assembly document (measuring Actuator gaps, etc.).  He continued this work after we left him with a finely balanced ISI.

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