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Reports until 20:36, Tuesday 28 July 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:36, Tuesday 28 July 2015 (20011)
7/28 Maintenance Day Relocking Efforts -- So far + Two Consecutive Big Earthquakes
J. Kissel, for the Relocking / Commissioning Teams

A progress update (picking up from when the future looked bleak), so I don't have to write a giant log at the end. (And to be honest, I'm not staying.)

Executive summary thus far: We're still struggling with the restoration settings after a major front-end computer outtage (like an RCG upgrade). Not because we aren't restoring to a good time, but it's that the "good time" (which has, thus far, been "the last time we were locked in low noise") is not the right time for some settings, especially those that are part of lock-acquisition. These settings will slowly but surely rear their head, and we just have to code them into the Guardian as we go, because they are almost always NOT monitored by SDF because they're part of filter banks under guardian control.

Also, big earthquakes are a huge hindrance to recovery from a rough maintenance day. We should should schedule those for Friday nights.

Here's what happened in the after noon / early evening:

13:00 All models have finished there upgrade and are up and running
      Quickly see that HAM SUS IOP output is OK
      Quickly see that IPC errors from SEI are gone
      Richard immediately to ETMX to finish cabling up ETMY ESD LVLN Driver

13:10 Discover IMC WFS front end model has been mistakenly named ASCIMC on the top-level making all MEDM channels go white (because they're now called H1:ASCIMC-... instead of H1:IMC-...)

13:20 All SEI and SUS "recovered" (i.e. brought to ALIGNED and FULLY ISOLATED)

13:30 PR3 oplev commissioning begins
      h1ascimc front end model naming bug fixed, back up and running
      Discover ITMs are getting a HUGE signal blasted in from ASC
      DAQ restart

13:40 Find ASC loops that are blasting the ITMS, loops turned OFF and history cleared. 
            << LESSON LEARNED -- We should Run the ISC_LOCK DOWN script after a full computer restart 
14:00 Discovered ETMX ESD wiring had not been updated for the new LVLN ESD wiring (LHO aLOG 20003)
      Resume wiring up ETMX ESD LVLN Driver

14:20 IMC recovered briefly after trouble with *some* unknown setting has been globally BURT restored

14:22 IMC lost again, because ISS is railing.

14:25 Jim and Dave head to EY to update BIOS settings on fast front-end (For the record, we've chosen NOT to revert the EY fast front-end to slow front-end, we've JUST upgraded the BIOS settings)

14:40 IMC recovered
            << LESSON LEARNED earlier global burt restore restored to a time of full IFO lock, 
               which had the ISS 2nd loop engaged. Without full IFO, it doesn't make sense to 
               have the 2nd loop ON. 2nd loop turned OFF, IMC OK.
      EX LVLN Driver Wiring Complete
      EX Charge measurements launched

15:00 Jim and Dave finish ETMY front-end machine BIO upgrades
      Found New ISI wiener filters are ON (as is standard for any new filter bank) and just 
               feeding STS signals straight to the platform, causing platforms to be very noisy.

15:15 Optical Lever work completes.

15:20 ETMY SUS and SEI fully recovered 
      Begin charge measurements  at EY to confirm SUS health
      Keita begins IMC WFS plant measurement for new DOF5 to reduce 200-300 Hz intensity noise

16:00 Charge on ETMY done -- but discover drive is saturating. (Found out later it was because of the move of the "sumComp" filter from DRIVEALIGN to COILOUTF that was performed yesterday evening [[no aLOG]])
      Begin Initial alignment

17:05 Found SNR for AS 45 Q (during initial alignment of SRY) was really low, even with high-power into the IFO.
            << LESSON LEARNED Discovered there's a -160 dB filter that's ON for full IFO low-noise state, which we *don't* want on during initial alignment. This is *not* included in any Guardian's state request. This *should* be included in both the IFO_ALIGN guardian and the IFO DOWN state.

17:40 Initial alignment complete, beginning full IFO lock acquisition attempt  (Need some hand tweaking of the BS by Evan)

17:45 We had *just* reached some stages of the CARM offset reduction for the first time and then
      Magnitude 5.9 Earthquake - 29km S of Acandi, Colombia
17:50 Charge measurements resume (we figure out the saturation issue mentioned above)
      Matt and Hang do some L2P / L2Y measurements on ITMY

18:40 Resume locking

19:10 Make it up to DARM_WFS (not even to RESONANCE where the FULL IFO is at least RF locked on ETMX)
      Found ETMY M0 Bounce mode damping filters were not set correctly, ringing up EY's Bounce Mode terribly
          -- blamed filters disappearing (debunked)
          -- blamed improperly engaged guardian state (debunked)
      It was really, that the last global BURT restore was done *before* the EY BIOS upgrade was finished. So we didn't BURT enough!
          << LESSON LEARNED These filters should *also* be forced into the right configuration, 
             since they are NOT monitored by the SDF system (because there are other parts of 
             the filter module that ARE controled by guardian)

19:45 While having resolved the Bounce Mode damping problem, 
      Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake - 71km SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska

Goodnight everybody. "Things will *definitely* be better in ULTRA LIGO."
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