Reports until 08:16, Wednesday 29 July 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:16, Wednesday 29 July 2015 (20026)
CDS Maintenance Summary

h1susey BIOS change

Mike Thomas, Dave, Jim:

Mike took detailed photographs of l1susey's BIOS screens. After reviewing them and those of the slower front end computers Jim had some changes to try on h1susey. These were installed and it looks like we have not seen an EY IOP glitch since then.

RCG 2.9.6 upgrade

Rolf, Jeff, Betsy, Jim, Dave:

All front ends were upgraded to RCG 2.9.6. The IPC file was created from scratch. All front end models were restarted. Detailed alog on its way.

PCAL duotone channel to DAQ

Rick, Dave:

the models h1calex and h1caley were modified to write the FPGA duotone channel to the DAQ commissioning frame.

Cosmic Ray Channel to DAQ

Richard, Dave:

h1pemcs was modified to write the TRIG channel from the cosmic ray detector to the science frame.


Vern, Dave, Stefan:

h1odcmaster was modified to add the H1:ODC-OBSERVATORY_MODE EPICS channel. The associated MEDM screen was added to the SITEMAP under the OPS tag.

ISC IOP model settings


The PCAL models at the end stations require the DUOTONE loop back path to allways be engaged. I modified the safe.snap for the models h1iopisce[x,y] to ensure this is so. SDF will altert if they are turned off.

New SUS PI models and DAQ configuration:

Matt, Sheila, Joe B, Dave:

Installed Monday, DAQ configued Tuesday. New h1susetm[x,y]pi models were started in the end station SUS front ends. To avoid the "DAQ too small" error two channels were added at full rate but filled with zeros to minimize impact on commissioning frame size. DEMOD channels were added to DAQ at 4kHz rate.

Other New user models

Hugh, Jeff, Kiwamu, Daniel:

Many user model changes other than those detailed above went in: New ISI models from HAMS and BSC, new ASCIMC model, some SUS models showed a DAQ change (investigation needed), PSL PMC finally applied its 32kHz to 16kHz DAQ channel transition.

DAQ Restart:

Jim, Dave:

The DAQ was restarted to support the above changes. Both frame writers continue to be completely stable.

Restart Log:

The models restart log is attached, due to the RCG upgrade it is lengthy.

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