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Reports until 17:27, Tuesday 10 January 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2008)
H2 BSC8 HEPI Actuator Attachment & Alignment Impact
As I noted in log 1989, we completed the attachment of the HEPI Actuators to the Suspended Structure Friday and made some corrections with the DSCW Springs to bring the dial indicators back to Aligned position.  We've managed to do this, mostly.
My current assessment of where I've moved the Cartridge is 3mils up, 10mils West, 12mils South, and 170urad CC from above.  According to IAS final numbers, this change, if my estimate is accurate, should not move the ITMY out of tolerable position.

We currently should be about:
120urad cc from ideal &
0.65mm South
0.7mm West
0.5mm High

Of course after the ACB goes in all these numbers will be revisited by IAS and we'll be happy to further dial it in.  The connection of the Actuator to the Suspension does complicate the moving and we may need to again disconnect the actuators from the Suspension if the move is excessive.  Alright, only 21 HEPI systems to go!

EricA & Hugh
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