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Reports until 00:42, Friday 31 July 2015
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:42, Friday 31 July 2015 (20087)
Low velocity OMC SUS ASC

Evan, Matt, Josh S. (in spirit)

The OMC ASC  loops now have 0.5Hz cut-off to remove unwanted OMC length motion (see plot).  This change is intended to reduce the OMC SUS velocity so that we don't get fringes in DARM.

The filters are in OMC-ASC_{POS, ANG}_{X, Y} loops (see screenshot), and do not appear to cause stability problems (because the UGFs are below 100mHz) with the MASTER_GAIN up to 0.2, though some gain peaking is observed at this gain.  The normal operating gain is 0.1.

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