Reports until 12:31, Friday 31 July 2015
stefan.countryman@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:31, Friday 31 July 2015 (20101)
Recalibrated timing diagnostic Cs-III Cesium Atomic Clock Frequency and Phase in MSR
Between 11:10 and 11:25 I adjusted the frequency offset and the phase offset in the timing diagnostic system's cesium clock in MSR so that the 1PPS time difference between it and our GPS backed timing distribution system equals 0±100ns and the long-term drift rate is near zero.

Last time I adjusted the timing offset (3 weeks ago), I subtracted 68e-15 from the factory-set frequency offset of 1078e-15; this was apparently the wrong direction, as evidenced by a very visible doubling in the cesium clock's drift rate in the weeks since that adjustment. Since the last measurement of drift rate was calculated from a month's worth of data and was ostensibly accurate, I went ahead and changed the frequency offset to (1078+68)e-15. The manufacturers instructions are vague on the correct adjustment direction and the tech support reps aren't very knowledgable, so I'm going to write up a short technical paper on Cs-III calibration with specific instructions for how to go about this.

I zeroed the phase using a 1PPS signal from the MSR master. The GPS timing jitter is O(10ns), which is well within the 100ns resolution of the CsIII phase syncing utility. I used a short (3') BNC cable to minimize delay.

I also went ahead and installed the most recent Monitor3 software on the Lenovo X61 Thinkpad in MSR and put the Cs-III instruction manual on that computer's desktop, so it should be easy for someone else to make finer adjustments to the frequency offset once we have another month or two worth of 1PPS drift data.