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Reports until 15:48, Friday 31 July 2015
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Friday 31 July 2015 (20104)
Beam Tube Washing
Scott L. Ed P. Rodney H.

The crew relocated lights, fans and cords to begin cleaning the next section starting at HSW-2-043. 51 meters of tube cleaned ending l2 meters east of HSW-2-041.
I repaired several of the extension cords and a cord on the vacuum used for cleaning the support tubes. 

Ed took today off. 
The support vehicles and all related equipment were relocated after lunch and a total of 61 meters of tube cleaned today ending 13.7 meters east of HSW-2-038.

The past ~200 meters of tube have been especially dirty with feces and urine. We have been giving these areas extra attention.

1239.5 meters of Y-Arm cleaned to date.
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