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Reports until 03:36, Saturday 01 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:36, Saturday 01 August 2015 - last comment - 18:01, Saturday 01 August 2015(20126)
Sum and null of OMC DCPDs, noch einmal

Matt, Lisa, Evan

Tonight we looked at the coherences between the OMC DCPD channels and ASC AS C, this time at several different interferometer powers. In the attached plots, green is at 11 W, violet is at 17 W, and apricot is at 24 W.

Evidently, the appearance of excess high-frequency noise in OMC DCPD sum (and the coherence of OMC DCPD sum with ASC AS C) grows as the power is increased. We believe that this behavior rules out the possibility that this is excess noise is caused by RIN in the AS port carrier, assuming that any such RIN is independent of the DARM offset and of the PSL power. Since the DARM offset is adjusted during power-up to maintain a constant dc current on the DCPDs, RIN in the AS carrier should result in an optical power fluctuation whose ASD (in W/rtHz) does not vary during the power-up. This is the behavior that we see in the null stream, where the constant DCPD dc currents ensure that the shot-noise-induced power fluctuation is independent of the PSL power.

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evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 18:01, Saturday 01 August 2015 (20139)

On a semi-related note, the slope in the OMC DCPDs at high frequencies is mostly explained by the uncompensated preamp poles and the uncompensated AA filter.

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