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Reports until 06:01, Sunday 02 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:01, Sunday 02 August 2015 (20144)
24 W, no ITM oplev damping

Matt, Lisa, Hang, Evan

Tonight we went to full power, turned on the new boost and cutoff in dHard (along with a small lead filter around 3 Hz), and turned off the oplev damping on the ITMs. Then we took an OLTF. Blue shows the new loop with the lead off, and red is the loop with the lead on. So far we've been at full power for more than 3 hours without any sign of instability.

There is some new, untested code sitting in the ISC_LOCK guardian:

However, this new, untested code is commented out (search ISC_LOCK.py for 'guardbomb' to find it). We can uncomment it the next time there is someone in the control room to supervise the lock acquisition.

Additionally, I got impatient with damping the roll modes during the acquisition sequence, and so I have set the quad coil drivers to be high range until the COIL_DRIVERS state, at which point they are switched to low noise. This seems to work fine (i.e., I didn't notice any glitching on the cameras).

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