Reports until 11:08, Monday 03 August 2015
peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:08, Monday 03 August 2015 - last comment - 12:30, Monday 03 August 2015(20160)
Suggestions for high frequency 'mystery' noise

Matt E and I were talking about the broadband noise that is showing up coherently in the OMC DC readout, increasing the noise by 15% or something above shot noise, at frequencies above ~80 Hz. The observation is that this noise increases as the input power is increased (i.e., the watts/rtHz on the OMC DC PDs goes up with higher input power). Amplitude noise on one or more RF sidebands is a plausible source of this noise (not a new idea), and we wanted to suggest specific tests be done to look for RF sideband noise. For example:

Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 12:30, Monday 03 August 2015 (20164)

The OMC refl shutter is normally kept closed, but I have just opened it.