Reports until 12:21, Monday 03 August 2015
H1 General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:21, Monday 03 August 2015 (20163)
Morning Locking Summery

H1 was locked when I got in, so I brought ISC_LOCK to DOWN to get some locking practice.

It went up to CARM_ON_TR before stopping and notifying  of "No IR in arms".

Sheila mentioned in a log a few weeks back to go to manual and then go back to the state PREP_TR_CARM, but that did not solve the issue and broke lock when I went back to CARM_ON_TR.

Brought it back up and got the same notification, and then I did exactly what I did last time.

While it was going up and down the last few times I was investigating some of the work the commissioners did last night, and I ended up using SDF to switch back some of the changes from alog20146

At this point I got Jenne involved and she worked hard trying to figure it out while I went to a training.

When Evan came in he admitted that he had forgotten to turn back on the Input to the H1ALS-C_REFL_DC_BIAS filter module.

This seemed to have solved the issue.

This filter module is not being monitored, so I added it to the SDF monitor and Jenne added it to the Guardian.

All seems to be good now, made it to COIL_DRIVERS before a commissioner accidentally lost lock.