Reports until 13:38, Monday 03 August 2015
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:38, Monday 03 August 2015 (20167)
Calibration line amplitudes

DarkhanT, RickS

We found that the DARM_CTRL excitation line reverted to old values on 7/31 (last Friday) at about 11:13 PDT, 18:13 UTC.  Perhaps this was the result of an errant BURT restore, but we didn't find a record of one in a quick survey of the aLog.

When we set the lines last week (see this link), we didn't update the SDF (our bad!).

Today, we reset the frequency of the DARM_CTRL line and adjusted the amplitude to give us SNR ~100.  We also adjusted the amplitude of the Pcal lines to adjust their SNRs to be near the design values.

The updated settings are:

Excitation point Freq.(Hz) Amp.(cts.) Target SNR
(10-sec. FFT)
DARM_CTRL 37.3 0.085 100 ??
PcalY 36.7 125 100 0.3
PcalY 331.9 2900 100 6.9
PcalY 1083.7 15000 13 36