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Reports until 07:29, Tuesday 04 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:29, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20187)
Beginning Maintenance Day Prep
I found the IFO struggling to keep the IMC locked through ALS lock acquisition. It appears as through the ISS and FSS are struggling this morning; attached are screen shots of the FSS and ISS screens before I took the IMC to DOWN, one can see the ISS diffracted power suddenly jump to ~10%. Not sure what's going on there. But good to know that we are having troubles with the ISS *before* we're going into the PSL, so we don't blame the team going in for causing the problems during recovery!

Beginning maintenance day prep at 14:10 UTC (7:09 PDT) by bring ISC_LOCK to DOWN. Because the ISC_LOCK guardian was still transitioning, as opposed to in NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, (and maybe because DOWN has become a goto again? LHO aLOG 20134 leaves it unclear if LHO aLOG 20125's changing the DOWN state to a goto has been reverted. The current ISC_LOCK graph shows that it *has* been reverted.)

Also, I ran the OFFLOAD WFS script before bringing the IMC to OFFLINE. Strangely, the IMC lost lock during this process and it took ~1.5 minutes of flashing before it recovered. However, the IFO align screen has been captured with the IMC locked and well aligned, and the ISC_LOCK guardian is down,
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