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Reports until 11:18, Monday 11 October 2010
H2 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:18, Monday 11 October 2010 (202)
QUAD (BSC) Test Stand Status
After removing them from the stand last Thur, 2 Sat boxes were modified to fix a blown IC chip (OP2177).  Symptoms were that output of IC chip were railing.  Replaced with OP284, while waiting for correct OP2177 which are on order.  Likely the Sat boxes will have to revisit the EE shop when these chips are in later this week.  We will progress with BOSEM alignment and testing until then.
Filiberto reinstalled the 2 sat boxes into the test stand this morning.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.