Reports until 13:44, Tuesday 04 August 2015
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Tuesday 04 August 2015 - last comment - 14:12, Tuesday 04 August 2015(20203)
ETMx ESD Driver Railed Neg, Again

THIS TIME, the fix that is suggested by Richard as a comment lower in the alog 19487 worked:


"powered the unit off, removed the DAC cable, powered the unit on, reattached the DAC cable and all seems to be working.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:46, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20205)

Note, a trend shows this railed negative at almost 1am last night (Aug 4,  07:47 UTC)

jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 13:50, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20207)

I don't remember the exact time but sometime before ~midnight last night, Sheila and I had found the ETMX ESD driver railed negative, and drove to the end station to fix it.  All we did was power cycle the box - no cable plug/unplugging, and it came back for us. 

Sorry we didn't log this last night.  We left around 12:30am, so the railing that Betsy mentions happened when no one was on site, although we left the guardian request somewhere in a fully-locked state (probably Nom. Low Noise).

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:12, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20208)

We don't see button pushing which would have lead to the rail in the middle of the night last night... see attached 24 hour plot.


In talking to Sheila, she fesses up to having an ETMx ESD neg rail earlier at ~11pm (shown on the plot if you look closely), which they caught and went down to Ex to clear in the same manner as above.  They left just before  it railed neg again - hence the no-auto-locking from then on.

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