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Reports until 15:26, Tuesday 04 August 2015
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:26, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20214)
IR sensor installed onto CO2Y viewport

Hannah, Nutsinee, John, Elli

We moved the IR sensor for the CO2Y laser from the electronics rack to the viewport on BSC1,  which is where it is meant to be located.  The IR sensor checks whether the CO2 laser is heating the viewport(!).  We took a side panel off of the CO2Y table to install the temperature sensor onto the viewport.  The IR sensor cable runs out of the tube connecting the viewport to the table, up to a small "TCS IR controller box" which is taped to the top of the CO2Y table.  The IR sensor has been tested and is working.  As this procedure was relatively straightforward, we should move the CO2X sensor next Tuesday, time permitting.

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