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Reports until 10:02, Monday 03 August 2015
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:02, Monday 03 August 2015 - last comment - 15:36, Tuesday 04 August 2015(20158)
Using the corner station HWS

There have been some questions about how to run the HWS code.

The HWS code runs on one of three HWS computers, we have one at each end station and one at the corner station.  I have set up a tmux session to run the HWS code constantly at the corner station.  If the code is running, the heartbeat will flash on the TCS HWS ITMX/Y medm screens, and the seidel aberrations will update once a second on the HWS ITMX/Y CODE screen.  To take a measurement using the HWS, in addition to having thr HWS code running, you also need to turn on the RCX link framegrabber power, the Dalsa 1M60 Camera power, and the Superluminescent diode (SLED) power switched on the HWS medm screen.  To increase the lifetime of the SLED and to avoid injecting 1Hz noise into the PEM channels (we are working on filters on the camera power supply to fix this one), we are leaving the HWS hardware off if we are not using it.


If you want to stop or restart the corner station code for some reason, you can ssh into the cornerstation hws computer:

>>    ssh -X controls@h1hwsmsr

and attach to the tmux session

>>    tmux attach

This webpage (http://www.dayid.org/os/notes/tm.html) has a list of tmux commands.  We are running two sessions, one for ITMX and one for ITMY.  Go to the relevant session, go to the folder ~/temp, and run the HWS code with the command

>>    Run_HWS_H1ITMX  (or ITMY....)

Comments related to this report
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - 15:36, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20216)

Jim and Dave have installed tmux on the end station HWS computers (thanks guys), so the code is running at these computers now too. It is intialized with the command  >> Run_HWS_H1ETMX  or  >>Run_HWS_H1ETMY in ~/temp, after you log into controls@h1hwsey (or h1hwsex).

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