Reports until 16:02, Tuesday 04 August 2015
H1 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20219)
EX Beckhoff dies

After getting the ETMx ESD driver unrailed, we found the Driver state "OFF" via the red/green ESD Active indicator light.  Nice timing all day - the ESD keeps dying just ahead of us trying to use it!

So, after we returned from the railing saga, we resumed running a realignment.  A few mins in we discovered the red light indicating the driver was off.  We toggled some switches to no avail and Fil headed to EndX again.  He found the power supply tripped.  He tried to reset it and it tripped again.  After hunting around for another 20mins, it occured to us to check the Beckhoff - yep, it had crashed.  (The pressure guage that the ESD looks at lost connection and therefore shut down the power supply of the ESD for safety.)  Patrick restarted the Beckhoff, Fil then reset the ESD power supply, and the ESD finally looks healthy again.  For now.

TJ is adding these failure modes into the SYS (alarm) guardian.