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Reports until 16:06, Tuesday 04 August 2015
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:06, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20220)
IO on the PSL - status of the ECR, and measuring power on PDs

Per IO ECR E1300432:


Components to be changed in the IO path on the PSL:

  1. IO_AB_M15 is changed to IO_AB_W1
  2. IO_AB_PD1 is positioned on the reflected beam from the wedge
  3. IO_AB_PD3 is added on the transmitted beam from the wedge, and is a large area PD, 100mm^2

Status:  not complete

  1. IO_AB_M15 has been changed to IO_AB_W1 - DONE
  2. IO_AB_PD1 is positioned on the reflected beam from the wedge - located there but cables are not connected
  3. IO_AB_PD3 is added on the transmitted beam from the wedge, and is PDA100A, a large area PD, 100mm^2 - added but a PDA55 with only ~13mm^2 sensing area

Other information collected:


PD Channels:

H1:PSL-EOM_A_DC_POWER - thorlabs behind IO_AB_W1

H1:IMC-PWR_EOM_OUTPUT - thorlabs behind IO_AB_W1

PD,measured power:

IO_AB_PD3, thorlabs PDA55, 3.33mW

Incident on BS:

before the splitter, IO_AB_W1, 3.51mW

PD,measured power:

IO_AB_PD1, Newport 1811 RFPD, about 50uW - two beams, fast measurement, needs more time to set up


PD Channels:

H1:PSL-PERISCOPE_A_DC_POWER - bottom periscope trans

H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUTPUT - bottom periscope trans

PD,measured power:

IO_AB_PD2, thorlabs PDA55, 83uW

Incident on steering mirror:

before steering mirror IO_AB_M9, 85uW

Incident on BS:

power in non-PD path, coming off of IO_AB_M10, 85uW

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.