Reports until 17:52, Tuesday 04 August 2015
H1 General
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:52, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20224)
Ops Summary

Patrick, Cheryl, Nutsinee

Most of the logs were hand-written by Patrick. If things don't make sense that means I didn't decode his handwriting correctly.


- All time in UTC (PDT) -

14:58 (7:58) Peter getting something out of H2 PSL enclosure

15:02 (8:02) Jeff to LVEA colect CC Data

15:05 (8:05) Shiva and Sudarshan to EX

15:08 (8:08) Filiberto cabling started

15:18 (8:18) Joe check eye wash in LVEA

15:19 (8:19) Peter done

15:20 (8:20) Jeff done

15:34 (8:34) Ed to EY to start TCS

15:35 (8:35) Christina, Karen to EY (cleaning)

15:50 (8:50) Hannah, Elli install TCSY temp. sensor

15:58 (8:58) EX, FIl and Gerado start regen process

16:07 (9:07) Jason to optics lab

16:19 (9:19) Robert starting PEM

16:21 (9:21) Karen, Christina to EX

16:22 (9:22) Thomas, Shiva, ?

16:23 (9:23) Ed temp. back looking for drillbit

16:26 (9:26) Elli, Hannah back

16:27 (9:27) Filiberto and Andrea done, not out

16:30 (9:30) Jason start PMC transfer function

16:31 (9:31) Ed to EY

16:35 (9:35) Jim and Carlos to EY to replace H1scsey fornt end computer

16:37 (9:37) John, Elli, Hanna to LVEA

16:39 (9:39) DAQ restart

16:52 (9:52) Guardian restart full machine

16:54 (9:54) Karen, Christina leaving EX

16:59 (9:59) Robert into PSL

17:00 (10:00) Elli, Hanna to TCS ITMY

17:01 (10:01) DAC PEM CS model restart

17:09 (10:09) Cheryl to PSL

17:10 (10:10) Ed leaving EY and going to EX

17:15 (10:15) Leo about to start charge measurement at EY

17:20 (10:20) ASC-IMC, OMC, CSC model restart (Kiwamu, Keita)

17:35 (10:35) Kiwamu restart H1LSC model

17:36 (10:36) H1 ASC IMC restart (Kiwamu)

17:45 (10:45) Kyle to EY to shut off calibration gas

17:45 (10:45) Nutsinee to help Elli in the LVEA

17:51 (10:51) DAC restart digital video computers

17:53 (10:53) Karen and Christina cleaning in LVEA

17:55 (10:55) DAQ restart

18:00 (11:00) Fil to EX, fix UIM(?) drive

18:13 (11:13) DAQ restart

18:21 (11:21) Robert in PSL

18:24 (11:24) Parada water delivery

18:25 (11:25) Joe done

18:27 (11:27) Robert to LVEA to continues setting up PEM (?)

18:38 (11:38) Gerado and Kyle vack to LVEA

18:39 (11:39) measure power on photodiode

18:45 (11:45) Dave restarting camera servers

18:46 (11:46) Ed done at EX, going to LVEA

18:50 (11:50) Hugh HAM5, testing SDF

19:10 (12:10) Robert done

19:12 (12:12) Ed done

19:12 (12:12) Cheryl done

19:19 (12:19) Fil done

19:28 (12:28) Jim, Hugh, filter bugs in HEPI

19:29 (12:29) Pcal done

19:45 (12:45) Rick back to EX for laptop

19:59 (12:59) TJ, Betsy derail(?) ETMX high voltage driver

20:11 (13:11) Kyle back to EX

20:18 (13:18) Ops computer restart

20:26 (13:26) TJ, Betsy done

20:36 (13:36) Gerado to work with Elli

20:41 (13:41) EX inf. con. gage off

21:00 (14:00) ALS COMM, DIFF, XARM, and YARM nominal state is now SHUTTERED (Sheila)

21:38 (14:38) Fil to EX - try to fix ESD drive

22:13 (15:13) ESD working - Fil going to Mid Y

22:27 (15:27) Jeff to EX to restart high voltage

22:40 (15:40) Jeff coming back

0:53 (17:53) Patrick and Stefan still recovering the ifo.


Happy Maintenance Tuesday....