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Reports until 18:22, Tuesday 04 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Tuesday 04 August 2015 (20228)
Messy DAQ restart

Dave, Jim:

at 16:20 PDT we restarted the DAQ for a new EDCU ini file. This was not a clean restart, resulting in a confusing overvew screen with some front ends not registering any DAQ status channels. After a clean shutdown and startup of monit on h1dc0 and a manual start of h1nds0 and h1nds1 we got back to a stable system. We have noticed that in the past week monit sometimes has not cleanly restarted the data concentrator daqd process. Looking at today's log files and configuration file cache it appears monit and/or start-stop-daemon got into a race condition which resulted in daqd  being restarted before the complete set of configuration files was ready. We will have to think more about how we got into this condition.

We checked that the current DAQ has the correct INI and PAR files and the frame sizes are correct.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.