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Reports until 22:22, Tuesday 04 August 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:22, Tuesday 04 August 2015 - last comment - 09:26, Wednesday 05 August 2015(20238)
CDS maintenance Summary

PEM channel renaming

WP5414. Robert, Dave:

h1pemcs was modified to rename the accelerometer channels PR1, SR1, MC to PRM, SRM, IMC. Change was applied to DAQ when it was restarted this morning.

h1isiham3 phantom ini change

Hugh, Dave

After the 07:55 restart of h1isiham3 and a DAQ restart the front end was reporting an ini file mismatch. We are not sure this was a true mismatch since the ini file had not been modified since Monday. We restarted h1isiham3 which cleared the alert.

h1susey computer

WP5413. Carlos, Dave, Jim:

the original h1susey computer was re-installed to remove the IOP glitching. The ETMY model is running longer than when this machine was last in service  (was 51uS, now 55uS). We checked the new SUSETMYPI model runs well with this hardware.

Reboot digital video servers


The digital video servers h1digivideo[0,1,2] were power cycled as part of the PM reboot project. These machines have been running for 280, 280 and 251 days respectively. We saw no problems with reboots.

Digital video snapshop problem. FRS3410.

Jenne, Dave, Jim, Elli, Kiwamu:

Jenne found that certain digital cameras are producing tiff files which cannot be viewed by most graphics tools. The reboot of the video servers did not fix this. We tried power cycling the ITMX spool camera which also did not help. We tracked this down to the "Frame Type = Mono12" change in the camera configuration. Kiwamu and Elli have methods to read the 32 bit tiff files. This problem is now resovled, FRS3410 will be closed.

EPICS Gateway


Due to the extended downtime of h1ecatx1, CA clients on the H1FE network did not reconnect to this IOC (EDCU, conlog, Guardian). I restarted the h1slow-h1fe EPICS gateway which prompted the clients to reconnect to h1ecatx1.

DAQ Restarts

Jim, Dave

There were several DAQ restarts. The last restart was quite messy, details in earlier alog.

The FPGA duotone channels were added to the frame broadcaster for DMT timing diagnostics.

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 09:26, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20251)

restart log for Tuesday 04Aug2015 is attached. No unexpected restarts.

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