Reports until 15:55, Wednesday 05 August 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20253)
Daily Ops Summary


15:00 IFO locked at DC_Readout

15:45 Jeff B. (H1 op) proceeded from DC-Readout. IFO broke lock. Trying to recover.

16:31 Fil and Peter taking an RF multiplier to Mid Y

16:59 Fil and Peter back from Mid Y

17:00 Fil into CER to look for a power cable for the RF multiplier. None at the MY station.

17:20 Peter into Optics Lab

17:40: Ellie headed to HWS table in LVEA

17:50 Eliie out

19:53 Tour Group into control room

20:09 Sudarshan and Fil out to EX to power cycle Pcal AA chassis. No VEA entry.

20:50 Sudarshan and Fil back from EX

21:28 Kyle, John, Robert out yo Y-2-8

21:41 Jeff B and Sheila to End X

21:55 Kyle and company back from Y arm

21:55 Sheila and Jeff out of X End