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Reports until 14:59, Wednesday 05 August 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:59, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20267)
WHAM6 Watchdog reset removed from ISC_LOCK Guardian

Sheila commented out the elements which reset the WHAM6 watchdogs at specific times.  This has been replaced by the model upgrades to the ISI on Tuesday.

I asked Sheila to remove the resetting the guardian was doing to give the model bleed off feature a chance to prove itself functional.

See E1500406 for specifics & details.  In summary, saturations that occur in a given minute will clear in 60 minutes.  If there are no saturations for an hour, the saturation counter should be back to zero.  Saturations can be cleared manually with the H1:ISI-HAM6_SATCLEAR button labeled CLEAR SATURATIONS.  There may be a delay on the actual clearing of the saturations after this button is pressed.

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