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Reports until 15:59, Thursday 12 January 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 12 January 2012 (2027)
HAMISI#3 In Storage Container & Unsafe Cleanroom(!)

(Andres, Corey, G2, Jim, Mitch)

HAMISI#3 was removed from the Test Stand and installed within a Storage Container.  This went fairly smoothly without much issues, EXCEPT Mitch discovered that some of the cleanroom legs were near failure.

The two eastern legs of the eastern cleanroom have severe damage done to the legs of the cleanroom due to the castors.  We have added cribbing under both legs as best as we could do, and do not plan to move this cleanroom until it gets addressed.  Extreme caution must also be exercised when working around this cleanroom in the meantime.

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