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Reports until 16:15, Thursday 12 January 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Thursday 12 January 2012 - last comment - 23:08, Friday 13 January 2012(2028)
H2 ETMy ERM soldered pins
Today, when we stuffed the ERM mass into the ETMy lower suspension, we noticed that one of the 5 pins had been somewhat dislodged from it's soldering pool on the gold tab.  Gerardo and Margot believe that this is from the "flipping fixture" which is used to handle the mass.  The fixture apparently sits across some or all of these solder joints.  In the picture attached, the pin is the one towards the 4th one from the right.  
Long story short, Margot thinks we need to revisit the soldering of this pin. 
...to be continued.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 23:08, Friday 13 January 2012 (2045)
This morning, Margot and Gerardo reheated the soldering joints of the ETMy ERM ESD pins to reseat them.  I used the cleanroom vacuum to help pull away any vapors, etc, but it was a pretty straight-forward procedure.  Gerardo held the pins with tweezers.  No additional soldering material was added.
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