Reports until 22:37, Wednesday 05 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:37, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (20281)
Updates to QUAD Screens for New Stuff, and Better Exposure of Problems
J. Kissel

I've updated several QUAD screens, including the overview, to reflect the changes that were made yesterday. In the process, I've also added some stuff to the overview screen that was previously only shown on sub-sub screens such that problems are better exposed from the top level. I attach screenshots, but the changes include:
- Adding a link to a new screen for the new ESD / L3 / TST calibration line.
- Cleaned up the LHO-only, UIM tidal path, better showing how it's added into the UIM control signal.
- Brought the HV ESD driver ON/OFF switch to the overview, and renamed it from the misleading "RESET" to "ON/OFF."
- Brought all relevant voltage (for the ESD) and current (for the OSEMs / coils) up to the top near the output.
- Added a red light surrounding the COILOUTF block that appears if all of the OSEM sensor signals are zero (literally an AND of all four, checking whether the INMONs are < 5 cts).

- Changed the HV ESD driver name from the misleading "RESET" to "ON/OFF."

- Added a whole bunch of text and polygons all over the screen to better indicated what "linearization bypass ON vs. OFF" means, since this switch confuses everyone.

- Removed now defunct EPICs records and level indicator bars for the DIGITAL readbacks of the ESD HV driver, which are now just binary bits.

All changes have been commited to the userapps repo. To inherent at LLO, just svn update
the directory.
Images attached to this report