Reports until 04:26, Thursday 06 August 2015
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - posted 04:26, Thursday 06 August 2015 - last comment - 17:54, Thursday 06 August 2015(20288)
Thermal tuning preparation

Jamie, Dan, Gabriele, Evan

There are some files in evan.hall/Public/Templates/LSC/CARM/FrequencyCouplingAuto that will allow for automated transfer function measurements of frequency noise into DARM (using IOP channels) at specified intervals. Running ./launcher 1200 15 will open a dtt template, record the transfer function (and coherence) between the appropriate IOP channels, and then save a timestamped copy of said template. This then repeats every 20 minutes for 15 iterations (i.e., about 5 hours).

The idea here is to hook up the usual broadband, analog frequency excitation into the CARM error point and leave it running for the duration of the thermal tuning (1 V rms, 300 Hz HPF, 30 kHz LPF, with the CARM IN2 slider at -17 dB seems to be OK). This conclusion (i.e., to do a broadband frequency measurement only) was the conclusion that Gabriele and I came to after finding that a similar excitation injected into the ISS error point was highly nonstationary in the OMC DCPD sum.

If we want to do broadband noise injection to both the ISS and CARM, then some modification of the script will be required; i.e., we probably will have to ramp the two excitations on and off so that they are not injecting simultaneously. That's not hard, since both the CARM board and the ISS board have digitally controlled enable/disable switches.

Right now a thermal sweep with transfer function measurements does not really seem compatible with the heinous upconversion in DARM from the 508.289 Hz mode. Dan and I tried for some time to continue on with the work started by Jenne, Stefan, and Kiwamu, but we could not make progress either. We even tried (on Stefan's suggestion) sending in an awg excitation at the mode frequency into the EY ESD, but this did not have any real effect on the mode height. If it's useful, the EY mode #8 BLRMS filters are set up to measure the behavior of the violin modes in the neighborhood of this one.

Comments related to this report
evan.hall@LIGO.ORG - 17:54, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20302)

This was rewritten to accomodate interleaved measurements of the ISS and FSS couplings:

./launcher 1200 15

It will turn on an FSS injection, measure the FSS coupling, turn off the injection, then repeat for the ISS (via the second-loop error point injection). It remains to be seen what the appropriate ISS drive level is.

IOP channels for ISS second loop array:

