Reports until 15:51, Thursday 06 August 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20290)
Daily Ops Summary


15:00 IFO locked at 32 mpc

15:21 Looked at PSL status. Everything looks good .

15:23 Robert S. out ino LVEA to do some HF acoustic injections while IFO is locked.

16:32 Sent Katie out to  LVEA to join Robert.

16:50 Robert out temporarily. Katie still in.

16:54 TJ working with SYS_DIAG. Red Guarian Backgrounds are to be ignored until further notice.

17:00 Robert and Katie out until lock re-established.

17:10 Kyle and company out to Y2-8 (~300m from Y-End) to deliver eqiupment.

17:34  Guardian:OMC_LOCK in error as Kiwamu warned me. He's in a meeting. Jamie is looking into it for now.

18:00 Operator training in the control room.

22:00 Filled the chiller water level. Low Level alarm sounding on unit. Filling restored it back to normal.