Reports until 14:09, Thursday 06 August 2015
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:09, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20295)
May have found cause of h1ecatx1 crashes
Carlos, Patrick

On h1ecatx1 we found that the Power Efficiency Diagnostics -> AnalyzeSystem task was enabled. The 'Triggers' was 'At 6:00 AM every 14 days'. The 'Last Run Time' was '08/04/2015 2:13:32 PM'. The 'Wait for idle for' was '2 hours'. It was disabled on h1ecaty1 and h1ecatc1. This is something that Beckhoff had told me about a while ago and I just thought to recheck. I suspect this may be the cause of h1ecatx1 crashing every two weeks on Tuesday.

In addition we disabled the following services on h1ecaty1:

Windows Defender
Windows Update
Windows Search
Adobe Acrobat Updater

and the following services on h1ecatc1:

Windows Defender
Windows Update
Adobe Acrobat Updater