Reports until 14:31, Thursday 06 August 2015
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:31, Thursday 06 August 2015 - last comment - 15:01, Thursday 06 August 2015(20296)
Tidal offset to HEPI Bleed rate reduced to 1um/sec

As I showed and Daniel knew and confirmed, moving the HEPIs at 2um/sec was too fast to not upset the BSC ISI State1 T240 sensors.  With larger offsets which therefore will bleed down for longer periods of time, the T240s have londer time to get to their trip point and trip the watchdog.

I changed the H1:LSC-X(Y)_TIDAL_CTRL_BLEEDRATEs from 2 to 1u/s; the change in SDF has been accepted.  Will follow up after we've had a few lock stretches, and bleedoffs.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Thursday 06 August 2015 (20297)

Did a quick scan through DV and there are 3 trips of the ETMY ISI from this bleedoff since July 6.  It looks like there have been no trips of this type on the ETMX since then.