Reports until 15:57, Friday 07 August 2015
H1 General
edmond.merilh@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Friday 07 August 2015 (20312)
Daily Ops Summary



15:00 IFO not locked. Appears we had a couple of Earthquakes in the Tonga and Ecuador area (~5mag).

15:10 Guardian trying to re-lock. Touched ETMY to correct alignment. Locking sequence commencing.

15:20 IFO broke lock at "Noise_Tunings"

15:35 ESD X railed

15:39 Jim Batch to restart broadcast system

15:48 ISC_LOCK set to down (in Jim W's abscence) due to ESD at EX stillbeing railed.

16:00 Ellie into the optics lab

16:00 ESD EX no longer railed

16:04 talked to Jim and Fil at EX to confirm reset of ESD driver.

16:05 ISC_LOCK re-initiated

16:35 Fill into CER to install Cosmic Ray chassis

17:05 Fil out of CER.

17:05 Robert into LVEA to do HF acoustic injections

17:10 6 Kyle and Gerardo to Y-Mid to get/leave equipment

17:20 Robert and Katie out. Lockloss

17:23 Keita and Jenne to LVEA to investigate/turm off ISS noise injection that may have ben left on.

17:30 Keita and Jenne back

17:40 After the most recent lockloss, it seems that EX ESD driver is having trouble turning back on....AND it's railed

17:58 Found a bug in the code. Was able to reset remotely!

18:02 Begin locking sequence

18:02 Nutsinee popping into LVEA to take pictures at TCS X table.

18:08 Nutsinee out

18:31 Richard out on the roof

19:03 Richard back from the roof

19:07 Cheryl going to have a quick look at the exterior of IOT2R cabling.

19:11 Gerardo and Kyle back from the Mid station

20:52 Kyle and Gerardo to MY then MX then Y2-8.

22:55 Kyle and Gerardo back