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Reports until 09:52, Friday 07 August 2015
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:52, Friday 07 August 2015 (20316)
The ETMY 508.2896 Hz Violin Mode Saga is Over
J. Kissel, as a once-removed observer to the people doing the real work: J. Driggers, S. Dwyer, S. Ballmer, S. Karki, E. Hall, M. Evans, H. Yu, etc.

For record, this mode that Stefan is just beginning to have victory over (see LHO aLOG 20307) has been giving us problems since this past Saturday. My strong suspicion is that this mode was rung up during the ISC_LOCK :: DOWN sanfu (LHO aLOG 20134), in which the ISC system was blasting non-sense into the suspensions for many hours after it failed to recognize that the IFO was down (and it was a Saturday, so it was only by chance that Jamie happened to come on site). Further, I think that it was exacerbated / rung up further because turning OFF one of the failed techniques to damp the mode had not been included in the ISC_LOCK DOWN state, and not discovered for a few days (see LHO aLOG 20272). 

Also, the newly doctored Dan Hoak has been on site for a few days, the current worlds expert on violin mode damping in the H1 aLIGO IFO. As soon as he heard we were violin mode damping, he said "Oh, is it the 508.289 mode? Yeah, I tried to damp that, and never could. Good luck!" So this particular ETMY mode has never been controllable.

We have *just* re-acquired since 4 hours ago, and the violin mode has been damped to the best reference levels. 
Fabulous work ladies and gents.

Note to self: let's not ring up this mode ever again!

The resolution / timescale of my statement about the causes is informed by scanning this past week's summary pages, and informed by control room / commissioning meeting conversations over the past week that don't make it into the log:
Saturday 08/01: [[Initial Ring Up]]

Sunday 08/02: [[Failed Violin Mode Damping Rails]]

Monday 08/03:

Tuesday 08/04:

Wednesday 08/05: [[Failed Violin Mode Damping Railing turned OFF]]

Thursday: 08/06

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