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Reports until 20:55, Friday 07 August 2015
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:55, Friday 07 August 2015 (20340)
Changes to locking sequence to improve lock-ability

Back to locking robustly, all the way to Nominal Low Noise.  Hooray!

It was a bit of a trying day, locking-wise.  Jim was a champ, trying to get it back up after the many, many locklosses throughout the day.  We have made several changes to the guardian scripts that seem to be helping immensely.  Here are the changes that were made:

As an aside, I happened to notice some transients in the ETMX L3 ESD AMON channels pass by on Dataviewer, and looked into them a bit.  These transients happened while we were turning off the ETMX ESD after transitioning to the ETMY.  Thankfully, we didn't lose lock, but I post the time series of the transients anyway.  You'll notice in the attached plot that we basically see no effect in DARM, although I should put these channels through the new lockloss tool from Hang, et al. to see if there are any high-frequency things in DARM that are being swamped by the low-f stuff. 

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