Reports until 05:27, Saturday 08 August 2015
H1 ISC (DetChar, ISC, SUS)
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:27, Saturday 08 August 2015 - last comment - 13:22, Saturday 08 August 2015(20345)
violin mode first harmonic whack-a-mole

Dan, Nutsinee, Evan


Tonight we explored the damping settings for the first harmonic of the violin modes.  Our goal was to reduce the intensity fluctuations on the DCPDs enough that we could engage a second stage of whitening.

We were able to damp nearly all of the peaks that were visible between 1002-1010Hz, these correspond to the ETMs and are well separated in frequency.  The phases required for the damping filters are not amenable to broad bandpass filters (ETMX in particular is pretty random).  In the end I dealt with each mode one at a time, by hand.

After a while I got tired of saving the filters, so I just recorded the gain and phase that led to smooth damping.  These settings can be easily replicated using a 20mHz bandpass filter around the frequency of the line.

We worked on the modes in order of height.  Eventually we ran out of steam, but the first harmonic lines in the spectrum have been reduced by a factor of five compared to the reference.  The RMS of the DCPD signals (about 300 counts) is now dominated by the residual length motion around 3-4Hz.  We should be able to engage more whitening if we want to get some headroom over the ADC noise.

The frequencies in the table below are from Keith Riles' list o' lines in ER7: alog 19190.  Eventually this will get propagated to Nutsinee's new violin mode wiki page.


Mode Frequency Optic Damping gain & phase Filter settings for damping
992.7944 ITMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
994.2767 ITMX 260dB, +/-180deg  
995.6447 ITMX 260dB, 0deg  
996.5296 ITMX 260dB, 0deg  
1003.6673 ETMX 260dB, -60deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE2 FM6, FM8, FM9, gain=-50
1003.7788 ETMX 260dB, 130deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE3 FM6, FM8, FM9, gain=50
1003.9071 ETMX 280dB, 0deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE8 FM6, FM9, gain=1000
1004.0782 ETMX 272dB, +/-180deg  
1004.5370 ETMX 260dB, 0deg ETMX L2 DAMP MODE1 FM6, FM9, gain=100
1005.1694 ETMX 266dB, 0deg  
1005.9378 ETMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
1006.5031 ETMX 266dB, +/-180deg  
1008.4938 ETMY 272dB, 83deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400
1009.0273 ETMY 266dB, +/-180deg ETMY L2 MODE7 FM6, FM9, gain=-200
1009.4402 ETMY 272dB, 67deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400
1009.4863 ETMY 272dB, 67deg ETMY L2 MODE3 FM1, FM3, FM4, gain=400



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nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 13:22, Saturday 08 August 2015 (20353)

Added to the Wiki.